Wednesday, December 12, 2007

OK Einstein...but what about rats?

In my farming days I was once working in a loft emptying sacks of concentrate cake into the hoppers which fed the cows whilst they were being milked. A big rat suddenly jumped down from the rafters onto my right arm, ran around my neck, and down my left arm before jumping off and scampering away! Woah!
Today I went for a late afternoon walk over Ampthill Park and, for several minutes, watched a large brown rat foraging on the banks of the Rezzy, laughing at the controversial poison pots placed around its perimeter. She knew I was within spitting distance but didn't care, searching every nook & cranny before her long scaly tail finally disappeared into the rank undergrowth.

I'm currently reading Annie Dillard's book, Holy the Firm, where she writes, 'All day long I feel created. I can see the blown dust on the skin on the back of my hand, the tiny trapezoids of chipped clay, moistened and breathed alive. There are some created sheep in the pasture below me, sheep set down here precisely, just touching their blue shadows hoof to hoof on the grass. Created gulls pock the air, rip great curved seams in the settled air: I greet my created meal, amazed.'

Even big brown rats can engender wonder from this perspective!

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